woensdag 1 april 2009

Mega "April Blog Train Freebie"

Today is April 1st and you are at the next collection point for your next part of this fabulous kit!! It's the April DST Blog train freebie And it's HUGE!! we have 91 designers which equals at least: 364 papers, 546 elements with at least 2 alphas!

here is the "Blog Train Blog"
This blog will have a complete list of ALL participating designers!

DLL for my part in this Blog Train.
Download on megaupload or 4Shared
Here Or Here
The link for the next blog in this train

Digitalegacies Designs

Please remember that the participating designers are from all sorts of different timezones (there are over 90 designers participating!!)... if a stop does not have a post yet please be patient and check back later. ;) Most if all make sure you leave some love for the designers and enjoy the blog train!
Cassel - http://creationcassel.com/blog
JayaPrem's Hangout http://www.scraps-by-jayaprem.blogspot.com/
Duchess Designs http://duchessdesigns.blogspot.com/
Creative Victorian Designs http://creativevictorian.blogspot.com/
Project B Designs - http://biebies.blogspot.com/
Kiss Designs http://littlebitofthisandalittlebito....blogspot.com/
MoonDesigns http://moon7x4.blogspot.com/
Flutter Expressions http://www.flutterexpressions.blogspot.com/
Pixie Perfect Designs www.pixieperfectdesigns.com/blog
Purely Pixels http://purelypixels.blogspot.com/
SuzyQ Scraps http://suzyqscraps.blogspot.com/
Carjazi Designs http://www.carjazidesigns.com/
Designs by CAZ http://caz38.blogspot.com/
Spinky Dink Scraps http://www.spinkydinkscraps.blogspot.com/
Monna http://www.monnalainson.blogspot.com/
Kalo Designs http://kalodesigns.com/wordpress/
Charlie's Digiscraps http://charliesdigiscraps.blogspot.com/
Jill DZines http://jilldzines.blogspot.com/
Inspiredbydominic Designs http://www.inspiredbydominicdesigns.blogspot.com/
ScrapKitten Designs http://www.jessiesscrappyfinds.blogspot.com/
Randi Oh Designs http://www.randioh.com/
Chaos Lounge http://jen-at-chaos-lounge.blogspot.com/
KimB http://www.kimbsdesigns.blogspot.com/
A-liya http://a-liya.blogspot.com/
armina designs http://www.arminadesigns.com/blog
Bon Scrapatit Designs http://bonscrapatitdesigns.blogspot.com/
Laura M Designs http://myplaceintimelaura.blogspot.com/
Bonnie van Esch Designs http://bouncingbonbon.blogspot.com/
LiviaY Designs http://liviascorner.blogspot.com/
MoveFearlessly Designs http://movefearlessly.com/blog
HotFlashDesigns http://p-u-s-h.typepad.com/
Designs By Sassy http://sassyscrappin.typepad.com/
D2C "Joelle" http://www.design2create.blogspot.com/
Digitalegacies Designs http://chroniclesofnani.blogspot.com/
mITSYBELLE http://mitsybelle.blogspot.com/
Deb Fisher http://debfdigiscraps.com/designs/
Wimpychompers http://wimpychomperscreations.blogspot.com/
A+Designs http://aplusdesigns.blogspot.com/
Red Leaf DigiScrapping http://www.redleafdigiscrapping.com/
Fairytale Studios http://fairytalestudioscraps.com/weblog
Steel City Scraps: http://www.lemmoncityproductions.com/
Designs by Lisa Minor http://ronimasil.blogspot.com/
Digi Overdose http://digioverdose.com/blog
simply.scraps http://www.simply-scraps.net/
Youandi DigiDesign by Fryske http://fryskesdigiscraps.blogspot.com/
Little Dragon Designs http://littledragondesigns.blogspot.com/
Brandy Designs http://www.brandy-designs.blogspot.com/
Sharia Braxton http://scrapilicious2.blogspot.com/
Trish H Designs http://trishhdesigns.blogspot.com/
AliSarah Designs http://scrappincuteness.blogspot.com/
Amy Head http://scrapdaily.blogspot.com/
Casey Krause http://prettyscrappy.blogspot.com/
Blind Sight Desings http://www.blind-sight.org/blog
Tahera http://scrapbookartstudio.wordpress.com/
Dorothy'sCreations http://dorothyscreationss.blogspot.com/
Creations by Rachel http://creationsbyrachael.blogspot.com/
Barb Speck http://www.barbspeck.blogspot.com/
Rustry Alfred http://jackedurscraps.blogspot.com/
Scrappers Workshop http://www.scrappersworkshop.com/blog
Mels World http://mels-world1.blogspot.com/
Lynne Simmons http://www.digidigs.blogspot.com/
Charlize's Art http://beautyframe.blogspot.com/
Snowsmoon's Design http://snowsmoon-myworld.blogspot.com/
The Chronicles of Nani http://chroniclesofnani.blogspot.com/
TMA Designs http://themathematiciansassistant.com/
Simple Girl Designs http://simplegirldesigns.squarespace.com/
Snowraven's Cave Designs http://silversnowyraven.blogspot.com/
Laura Bozeman Designs http://www.kookaloo.com/
GSCreations http://gslcreations.blogspot.com/
Michelle Underwood designs http://thiscrazylife-michelle.blogspot.com/
FoxyDesigns http://foxydesigns.biz/
Designs by karyn http://designsbykaryn.blogspot.com/
CathyK Designs http://twoboyz00.blogspot.com/
Seacastle Graphics http://seacastlegraphics.blogspot.com/
Cyndi Wetmiller http://www.wetfishscraps.blogspot.com/
JIC Creations http://jiccreations.blogspot.com/
Kim Cameron http://blueridgemeadows.blogspot.com/
heidig designs http://heidigdigiscraps.blogspot.com/
Dranet http://dranet.blogspot.com/
Brand Beaver http://brandibeaver.blogspot.com/
hannah http://www.myblog.de/scraphannah
It'z A Neet Design http://www.itzaneetdesign.blogspot.com/
Carena's Designs http://www.carenasextravagance.blogspot.com/
Amanda Thorderson http://flamingo-amanda.blogspot.com/
KariQ Designs http://kariqdesigns.blogspot.com/
Mistica http://www.misticadesigns.blogspot.com/
Cara Mia Designz http://www.caramiadesignz.blogspot.com/
Twin Mom Scraps: http://twinmomscraps.blogspot.com/
Kris Myers Designs http://nwfotobug.blogspot.com/
Have fun!!

12 opmerkingen:

SuziQinTX zei

thanks for the great gift! 4shared is asking for a password and I can't download from megaupload.

Joelle zei

So sorry!! I will fix the link
Tnx for mention it

KrisG zei

Beautiful! I love that frame! Thank you very much! LOVE your blog design!!! The little dolls are so cute! and your music is fantastic!

Rhonda zei

So soft and pretty! Thank-you!

txgwen zei

Many thanks for your generosity in sharing your lovely work!

Unknown zei

What a sweet kit. Thank you.

Unknown zei


Moo zei

Thank you!!!

Jessie zei

thanks for your part to this train Hugs

MiniBullyMom aka Laura B. zei

Thanks for sharing with all of us! Your designs are beautiful. Happy Easter!

Sara zei

Thank you so much

A Soul's Heartbeat zei

Thanks so much for the blog train goodie